Tips & Tricks

To try before FurFinder arrives

Stay Calm

Take a deep breath. Staying calm will help you think clearly. Begin forming a plan with clear steps, and consider using some of the techniques below.

Start an Immediate Search

Look around your property and nearby areas. Calling your pet’s name may help, but could also push them farther away if done aggressively. If your pet has been lost within 48 hours, consider using a scent trail. Place their favorite toys, treats, or even pieces of your clothing or other objects around your property that carry your scent to lure them back.

Notify Neighbors

Inform your neighbors and ask them to check their yards, sheds, and garages. Share a recent photo of your pet and let them know how to contact you if they see anything. Be cautious of asking them to proactively help you search as large search parties can push your pet farther away.

Avoid Chasing

If you spot your pet, approach them calmly to avoid scaring them further, or consider even sitting down on the ground. Sudden movements can make them run. We know it’s tempting when your pet is only a few feet from you, but not chasing them can sometimes be the difference that brings them home.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us before we arrive to ask any further questions. We are first and foremost here to help you and your pet.